E-P4D, Scaler Tip, Compatible to Beyes & EMS , for Endo
UL2309, E-P4D, EMS®: RT1
Diamond-tipped instrument for locating canals and removing calcifications in the coronal third of the root canal system
UL2309, E-P4D, EMS®: RT1
Diamond-tipped instrument for locating canals and removing calcifications in the coronal third of the root canal system
UL2325, E-E4D Diamond-coated, quickly removes obstructions and broken instruments in the middle and apical thirds of large and straight canals.
UL2327, E-E5D Diamond-coated, Instrument used for interventions in the coronal third, to remove root canal fillings, broken instruments or dental d...
View full detailsEndo UL2409, S-P4D, = Satelec®: PM4 Diamond-tipped instrument for locating canals and removing calcifications in the coronal third of the root cana...
View full detailsUL2329, E-E9 For Root Canal Enlargement and Cleaning.
UL2344, E-E15 Instrument used for interventions in the coronal third, to remove root canal fillings, broken instruments or dental debris. The tip i...
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